User Posts: Louise Woffindin

Traditionally, espressos are served in a little cup called a demitasse, a French word meaning “half cup.” With such a small drink, you want to make sure that ...

You need to be careful when buying the cheapest coffee pods - and we can help. Don’t get me wrong, I am all too aware of the impulse. You’ve spent a fair ...

Coffee’s acidity is what gives it the tart and bright flavour that many coffee drinkers love. However, lots of people struggle with or are sensitive to the ...

If you’re into Italian coffee then you’ll have seen, heard, and likely tried Lavazza or Illy. They’re both available almost everywhere and they’re used in ...

Anyone who knows me personally has a hard time believing that I didn’t actually like coffee until I was well into my 20s. Until then, I’d only ever tried ...

A French press, also known as a cafetière, is one of the most used and most popular coffee brewing methods around. It’s a pretty simple setup, produces a ...

Louise Woffindin takes a look at the best coffee scales on the market to ensure you make a perfectly balanced coffee every time. Read on to see her top ...

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